Growing Tissue Culture Plants is Easy

Caring for Your Tiny Plant: A Step-by-Step Guide

Welcome to the Tiny Plant Club! Caring for a tiny plant can be almost as easy as nurturing a mature one if you follow the right steps. Our kit includes everything you need for the best chance of a successful start. Here’s how to establish a thriving environment for your new tiny plant.

TL;DR Summary:

  1. Open the box, let the plant acclimate inside its bag for a day or two.

  2. Add soil to pot, moisten with distilled water.

  3. Wear gloves, cut open the plant's bag, rinse all gel off the plant, and dip the roots or rootless base of the plant into rooting hormone.

  4. Plant in the provided soil, then place the potted plant in the parfait cup “greenhouse”, ensuring space for drainage into parfait cup below. Seal with the dome lid.

  5. Keep under LED lights in the mini greenhouse without disturbance for 2 weeks. Introduce the first air hole at week 2, add a second air hole and 1/4 strength fertilizer at week 4, another hole at 6 weeks, and by 8 weeks, the plant should be acclimated. If plants appear to be wilting or leaves become crispy, increase humidity by taping back over holes.

Detailed Instructions:

1. Unpacking Your Plants

  • Upon arrival, carefully open the box to find your plant sealed in a plastic bag. Let the plant acclimate to its new environment for 24-48 hours before opening the bag.

2. Preparing the Perfect Environment

  • Your kit includes a nursery pot filled with a 50% perlite and 50% Fluval stratum mix. Thoroughly moisten this medium with distilled, RO, or sterilized rainwater. We like to do so until the water draining from the holes is clear and free from dust.

3. Planting Your Tiny Plants

  • Gloves: Use the gloves provided in your kit to handle the plant, minimizing contact with synthetic growth regulators in the gel. The chemicals are not known to be carcinogenic but you can’t be too careful!

  • Plant Handling: Carefully cut open the bag, dispose of the gel, and thoroughly rinse any gel residue from the plant to prevent potential bacterial and fungal growth.

  • Optional Fungicide Use: Although the plants arrive sterile, you may choose to apply a fungicide treatment like Physan 20 as a precautionary measure, available for purchase online.

  • Rooting Hormone: Dip the cleaned roots or the rootless base into the provided rooting hormone sachet (IBA).

  • Planting: Gently poke a hole in the medium with your finger. Ensure the leaves do not touch the substrate to prevent root rot, and then cover the roots well.

4. Creating a Mini Greenhouse

  • Place the planted nursery pot inside the parfait cup, ensuring it wedges in the middle for stability and drainage. This setup helps maintain high humidity, crucial in the early stages post-tissue culture. Minimize disturbance and observe the growth.

5. Light and Temperature Control

  • Avoid direct sunlight to prevent overheating. Use a full-spectrum LED light to provide necessary light without excessive heat.

6. Managing Humidity and Growth

  • Allow the plants to settle into life in its new little greenhouse without disturbance for the first two weeks. If the plants appear healthy, introduce a small hole in the lid to start reducing humidity. Begin fertilizing with a balanced, diluted fertilizer after four weeks, and introduce additional air holes every two weeks. Adjust the acclimation process based on the plant's response; cover holes with tape to increase humidity if needed.

We are excited to see how your tiny plants thrive! Thank you for choosing Tiny Plant Club